Yoga Classes

‘No frills, no gimmicks, just hugely helpful’.

Does that sound like your kind of yoga? Then you’re in the right place. Check out my classes below.

Liminal Spaces:
Yin Yoga

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A delightfully slow and contemplative practice; anchoring into our breath, we hold these postures in stillness for between 3 and 5 minutes. Lingering a while in the liminal shapes we make, exploring into the spaces betwixt and between; so that we can let go, feeling into the feels and finding stillness. And so, we come deep within, accepting change from the inside out, finding our breathing space and connecting to our Inner Warrior.


Wednesday 18.30 - 20.00 and Friday 10.00 - 11.30

Dancing Warriors Yoga Studio: Online and in person

Inspiring Grace: Therapeutic Yoga


A therapeutic Yoga practice to support students with chronic conditions.

We start with the breath, and use yin yoga inspired movement to explore into the body, with a sense of coming home to ourselves.

This class is ideal for students who are returning, recovering, recuperating and reconnecting.

Classes: Wednesday 10.00 - 11.15

Dancing Warriors Yoga Studio: In Person

For a personalised Yoga practice, check out One:One - a programme of bespoke Yoga classes just for you




‘Gail has a very rare, gentle, deep-reaching magic, which gently unfolds where you’re at before you know it. She listens attentively and asks thoughtful, relevant questions so that the magic works. Then she teaches you how to breathe or move, hold or release and you realise you ‘feel’ different. And it lingers. It seems very long-lasting. 

— Shauna

‘Funny how something which started out to strengthen a bad back ends up sorting out a troubled heart and mind’.

— Julia

‘Exploring Yin Yoga with Gail, pretty much my first experiences of the practice and done under COVID, gave me something to discover, learn and focus on — not only within the class itself, but all the time in between’

— Mike